Inspirations from Sun!
Ever since my childhood, I have always been an early riser. No matter how late I sleep, my eyes are wide open as the clock strikes 6:00 am. Winters are beautiful because sunrise can be seen even at 6:00 am. This might sound nerdy, but waking up early has always given me time for myself, to set new goals, to think about myself and doing the things I love to do.
Though, till childhood, sun rise meant nothing more than a start of the day and going to school. And honestly sun was nothing more than the photosynthesis and evaporation theories of science. But as I grew up, it started making much more sense.

Sun has always inspired me during my hard times.It has taught me to be positive about the difficult situations, as after a night of darkness, there is always a beautiful morning, showing the new rays of hope and screaming aloud,’this too shall pass’.
Mornings have taught me that there can be peace even during chaos, even after so much that is happening in the world. It has taught me to rise again after every fall and shine even brighter. Not only this, it inspires me to be a shadow to those who are afraid to fall or afraid to loose.
Dear Sun, you are reason, while I still stand alone and try to shine.
Thank You for all the positivity!